Functional Behaviour Assessment

Developing Targeted Functional Behaviour Intervetions
An important part of the FBA process is understanding the antecedents (what happens before the behaviour) and consequences (what happens after the behaviour) associated with the challenging behaviour. This helps us determine what triggers the behaviour and what the individual might be seeking or avoiding through their actions.
Based on the collected data, the FBA team develops a functional hypothesis. This hypothesis outlines the possible function or purpose of the challenging behaviour. Functions may include escape or avoidance, attention-seeking, access to tangible items, or self-stimulation. The hypothesis guides the development of targeted interventions.

It is crucial to regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention plan. By collecting data and reviewing progress, our team can determine whether the intervention strategies are successful or need to be modified. Adjustments to the plan can be made based on the individual’s response and progress towards desired outcomes.
By utilising the functional behaviour assessment process, we can gain valuable insights into the underlying causes of challenging behaviours. This enables us to develop targeted strategies that address the root causes and help individuals develop more adaptive and desirable behaviours.
At our organisation, we are dedicated to promoting the use of functional behaviour assessment as a proactive and evidence-based practice. We provide resources, training, and support to individuals, families, educators, and professionals who want to effectively understand and address challenging behaviours. Please explore our website to learn more about the importance of functional behaviour assessment and how it can benefit those in need.